
The Book of Drinks (كتاب الأشربة)

(42) Chapter: Plague

Volume 2, Book 13, Number 640:
أبو عبيدة قال سعد بن أبي وقاص لأسامة بن زيد: ماذا سمعت من رسول الله B يقول في الطاعون؟ قال: سمعته يقول: « الطاعون رجز أرسل على طائفة من بني اسرائيل أو على من كان قبلكم فإذا سمعتم به بأرض فلا تدخلوها عليه، وإذا وقع في أرض وأنتم فيها فلا تخرجوا فرارا منه ».

Narrated Abu Obaida: Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqas said to Usama ibn Zaid, "What have you heard the Messenger of Allah, peace & blessings be upon him, say concerning the plague?"  "He said, "I heard him say: "The plague was wrath sent on a group of the Children of Israel or on those who were before your time. So if you hear about it (an outbreak of plague) in a land, do not enter (the land) unto it (i.e. plague); and if it breaks out in a land where you are present, then do not leave (that land) in a bid to escape from it." 

Volume 2, Book 13, Number 641:
أبو عبيدة عن جابر عن ابن عباس ان عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه خرج إلى الشام حتى إذا كان بسرغ - وهو موضع بالشام - لقيه أمراء الأجناد أبو عبيدة بن الجراح رضي الله عنه مع أصحابه وأخبروه أن الوباء وقع في أرض الشام فاختلفوا، فقال بعضهم: خرجت لأمر ولا نرى أن ترجع عنه؛ وقال بعضهم: معك بقية الناس وأصحاب رسول الله B ولا نرى أن تقدمهم على هذا الوباء، فقال عمر: ارتفعوا عني. قال ابن عباس فقال عمر: أدع لي المهاجرين الأولين فدعوتهم فاستشارهم فاختلفوا فقال بعضهم: معك بقية الناس وأصحاب رسول الله B ولا نرى أن تقدمهم على هذا الوباء. وقال بعضهم: خرجت لأمر ولا نرى أن ترجع عنه. فقال: ارتفعوا عني فارتفعوا, ثم قال: أدع لي الأنصار، فدعوتهم فاستشارهم فسلكوا سبيل المهاجرين واختلفوا كاختلافهم، فقال: ارتفعوا عني فارتفعوا ثم قال: أدع لي من كان ها هنا من مشيخة قريش ومن مهاجرة الفتح فدعوتهم، فلم يختلف عليه منهم رجلان فقالوا: نرى أن ترجع بالناس ولا تقدمهم على هذا الوباء فنادى عمر في الناس إني مصبح على ظهر فأصبحوا عليه، فقال أبو عبيدة: أفرارا من قدر الله يا عمر؟ فقال عمر: لو غيرك قالها يا أبا عبيدة! نعم نفر من قدر الله إلى قدر الله، قال ابن عباس: فجاء عبد الرحمن بن عوف وكان متغيبا في بعض حاجته فقال: إن عندي من هذا علما سمعت رسول الله B يقول: « إذا سمعتم به بأرض فلا تقدموا عليه وإذا وقع بأرض وأنتم بها فلا تخرجوا فرارا منه » قال فحمد عمر وأثنى عليه ثم انصرف.

Abu Obeida reported from Jabir that Ibn Abbas narrated that 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, departed for Sham and when he reached Sargh (i.e. a place in Sham), the commanders of the army, Abu 'Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah, may Allah be pleased with him, and his companions met him and told him that the epidemic had broken out in the land of Sham. They disputed among each other (about what to do). Some of them said (to 'Umar), "You have come out for a purpose and we do not think that it is proper to give it up," while others said, "You have along with you other people and the companions of Allah's Apostle (PBUH), so do not advise that you take them to this epidemic." 'Umar said (to them), "Leave me now."

Ibn Abbas said," 'Umar said (to me), "Call for me the early emigrants." So I called them. He consulted them and they disagreed. Some of them said, "You have along with you other people and the companions of Allah's Apostle (PBUH) so do not advise that you take them to this epidemic." While others said, "You have come out for a purpose and we do not think that it is proper to give it up." 'Umar said to them, "Leave me now."

He then said (to me), "Call the Ansar for me." I called them and he consulted them and they followed the way of the emigrants and differed as they did. He then said (to them), "Leave me now." They left and then he said (to me), "Call for me whoever is here from the old people of Quraish and from the emigrants of the Conquest (of Mecca)." I called them and no two among them disputed, as they said, "We advise that you should return with the people and do not expose them to the epidemic."

So 'Umar called out to the people, "I will ride back in the morning, so you should do the same." Abu 'Ubaida said," O 'Umar! Are you running away from the decree of Allah?" 'Umar said, "I wish someone else had said this, O Abu 'Ubaida! Yes, we do run from the decree of Allah to the decree of Allah."

Ibn Abbas said, "Then, 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf, who had been absent because of some job, came and said, "I have some knowledge about this. I have heard Allah's Apostle (PBUH) saying, 'If you hear about it (the plague) in a land, do not go forward to it; but if it breaks out in a land where you are staying, do not run away from it.'"
He (Ibn Abbas) said: "'Umar praised Allah and then he departed."

(43) Chapter: Fever and illness

Volume 2, Book 13, Number 650:
ومن طريق عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: قال رسول الله :B « لا تصيب المؤمن مصيبة إلا كفر الله بها خطاياه حتى الشوكة «.

On the authority of A'isha (may Allah be pleased with her), she said: Allah's Messenger (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) said, " No calamity befalls a believer but that Allah expiates his sin, even if it were (the prick of) a thorn".

Volume 2, Book 13, Number 652:
أبو عبيدة عن جابر عن أبي هريرة أن رجلا من أسلم قال: ما نمت الليلة، قال رسول الله B: « من أي شيء ». قال: لدغتني عقرب، فقال عليه السلام: « أما إنك لو قلت حين أمسيت أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات العامات من شر ما خلق لم يضرك شيء إن شاء الله ».

Abu Obeida reported from Jabir bin Zaid that Abu Hurayra narrated that a man of the Aslam tribe said, "I did not sleep last night." The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to him, "For what reason?" He said, "A scorpion bit me." The Messenger of Allah [may Allah bless him and grant him peace] said, "Had you said in the evening, 'I seek refuge with the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created', nothing would have harmed you, Allah willing."